Service Packages

Service Packages represent slices of the architecture that address specific services like traffic signal control. A service package collects together several different physical objects (systems and devices) and their functional objects and information flows that provide the desired service. The table below is a menu of service packages with underlying graphics and definitions. By following the links, you can traverse to the physical, enterprise, and functional view components that are associated with each service package, as well as tabs for other supporting content.

The table below is a menu of service packages with underlying graphics and definitions. Some service packages support multiple implementations, which are identified with the term (Implementations) in the table.

Type Sort

Short Name
Commercial Vehicle Operations CVO01 Carrier Operations and Fleet Management
CVO02 Freight Administration
CVO03 Electronic Clearance
CVO04 CV Administrative Processes
CVO05 Commercial Vehicle Parking
CVO06 Freight Signal Priority
CVO07 Roadside CVO Safety
CVO08 Smart Roadside and Virtual WIM
CVO09 Freight-Specific Dynamic Travel Planning
CVO10 Road Weather Information for Freight Carriers
CVO11 Freight Drayage Optimization
CVO12 HAZMAT Management
CVO13 Roadside HAZMAT Security Detection and Mitigation
CVO14 CV Driver Security Authentication
CVO15 Fleet and Freight Security
CVO16 Electronic Driver Logs International Icon
CVO17 Intelligent Access Program International Icon
CVO18 Intelligent Access Program - Weight Monitoring International Icon
CVO19 Intelligent Speed Compliance International Icon
CVO20 International Border Registration International Icon
CVO21 International Border Electronic Clearance
CVO22 International Border Coordination International Icon
Data Management DM01 ITS Data Warehouse
DM02 Performance Monitoring
Maintenance and Construction MC01 Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking
MC02 Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance
MC03 Roadway Automated Treatment
MC04 Winter Maintenance
MC05 Roadway Maintenance and Construction
MC06 Work Zone Management
MC07 Work Zone Safety Monitoring
MC08 Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination
MC09 Infrastructure Monitoring
MC10 Asset Tracking
MC11 Maintenance and Construction Signal Priority
MC12 One-Way Convoy Driving International Icon
Parking Management PM01 Parking Space Management
PM02 Smart Park and Ride System
PM03 Parking Electronic Payment
PM04 Regional Parking Management
PM05 Parking Reservations
PM06 Loading Zone Management
Public Safety PS01 Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch
PS02 Emergency Response
PS03 Emergency Vehicle Preemption
PS04 Mayday Notification
PS05 Vehicle Emergency Response
PS06 Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders
PS07 Incident Scene Safety Monitoring
PS08 Roadway Service Patrols
PS09 Transportation Infrastructure Protection
PS10 Wide-Area Alert
PS11 Early Warning System
PS12 Disaster Response and Recovery
PS13 Evacuation and Reentry Management
PS14 Disaster Traveler Information
PS15 Stolen Vehicle Recovery
Public Transportation PT01 Transit Vehicle Tracking
PT02 Transit Fixed-Route Operations
PT03 Dynamic Transit Operations
PT04 Transit Fare Collection Management
PT05 Transit Security
PT06 Transit Fleet Management
PT07 Transit Passenger Counting
PT08 Transit Traveler Information
PT09 Transit Signal Priority
PT10 Intermittent Bus Lanes
PT11 Transit Pedestrian Indication
PT12 Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings
PT13 Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle
PT14 Multi-modal Coordination
PT15 Transit Stop Request
PT16 Route ID for the Visually Impaired
PT17 Transit Connection Protection
Sustainable Travel ST01 Emissions Monitoring
ST02 Eco-Traffic Signal Timing
ST03 Eco-Traffic Metering
ST04 Roadside Lighting
ST05 Electric Charging Stations Management
ST06 HOV/HOT Lane Management
ST07 Eco-Lanes Management
ST08 Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections
ST09 Connected Eco-Driving
ST10 Low Emissions Zone Management
Support SU01 Connected Vehicle System Monitoring and Management
SU02 Core Authorization
SU03 Data Distribution
SU04 Map Management
SU05 Location and Time
SU06 Object Registration and Discovery
SU07 ITS Communications
SU08 Security and Credentials Management
SU09 Device Certification and Enrollment
SU10 Center Maintenance
SU11 Field Equipment Maintenance
SU12 Vehicle Maintenance
SU13 Personnel Device Maintenance
SU14 Remote Access
SU15 Vulnerable Road User Device Transition Support
Traveler Information and Personal Mobility TI01 Broadcast Traveler Information
TI02 Personalized Traveler Information
TI03 En-Route Guidance
TI04 Trip Planning and Payment
TI05 Integrated Multi-Modal Electronic Payment
TI06 Shared Use Mobility and Dynamic Ridesharing
TI07 In-Vehicle Signage
TI08 Personal Wayfinding
TI09 Travel Services Information and Reservation
Traffic Management TM01 Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance
TM02 Vehicle-Based Traffic Surveillance
TM03 Traffic Signal Control
TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System
TM05 Traffic Metering
TM06 Traffic Information Dissemination
TM07 Regional Traffic Management
TM08 Traffic Incident Management System
TM09 Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management
TM10 Electronic Toll Collection
TM11 Road Use Charging
TM12 Dynamic Roadway Warning
TM13 Standard Railroad Grade Crossing
TM14 Advanced Railroad Grade Crossing
TM15 Railroad Operations Coordination
TM16 Reversible Lane Management
TM17 Speed Warning and Enforcement
TM18 Drawbridge Management
TM19 Roadway Closure Management
TM20 Variable Speed Limits
TM21 Speed Harmonization
TM22 Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use
TM23 Border Management Systems
TM24 Tunnel Management International Icon
TM25 Wrong Way Vehicle Detection and Warning
TM26 Signal Enforcement International Icon
Vehicle Safety VS01 Autonomous Vehicle Safety Systems
VS02 V2V Basic Safety
VS03 Situational Awareness
VS04 Special Vehicle Alert
VS05 Curve Speed Warning
VS06 Stop Sign Gap Assist
VS07 Road Weather Motorist Alert and Warning
VS08 Queue Warning
VS09 Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure
VS10 Restricted Lane Warnings
VS11 Oversize Vehicle Warning
VS12 Vulnerable Road User Safety
VS13 Intersection Safety Warning and Collision Avoidance
VS14 Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
VS15 Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
VS16 Maneuver Coordination
VS17 Automated Vehicle Operations
VS18 Management of Electronic Traffic Regulations (METR)
VS19 Vulnerable Road User Clustering
Weather WX01 Weather Data Collection
WX02 Weather Information Processing and Distribution
WX03 Spot Weather Impact Warning
WX04 Roadway Micro-Prediction International Icon

Service Packages that originated outside the United States are designated with the International icon (International Icon). Many of the other service packages may also be relevant to international ITS implementations.