< < PT07 : PT08 : PT09 > >

PT08: Transit Traveler Information

This service package provides transit users at transit stops/stations and on-board transit vehicles with ready access to transit information. The information services include transit stop/station annunciation, imminent arrival signs, and real-time transit schedule displays that are of general interest to transit users. Systems that provide custom transit trip itineraries and other tailored transit information services are also represented by this service package.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Media Maintainer Media Maintains
Media Manager Media Manages
Media Owner Media Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Media Owner Media Manager Operations Agreement
Media Supplier Media Owner Warranty
Other Transit Management Centers Maintainer Other Transit Management Centers Maintains
Other Transit Management Centers Manager Other Transit Management Centers Manages
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Other Transit Management Centers Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Other Transit Management Centers Manager Operations Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Transit Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Transit Management Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Transit Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Owner Transit Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Other Transit Management Centers Supplier Other Transit Management Centers Owner Warranty
Other Transportation Information Centers Maintainer Other Transportation Information Centers Maintains
Other Transportation Information Centers Manager Other Transportation Information Centers Manages
Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Other Transportation Information Centers Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Other Transportation Information Centers Manager Operations Agreement
Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Other Transportation Information Centers Supplier Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Warranty
Personal Information Device Maintainer Personal Information Device Maintains
Personal Information Device Manager Personal Information Device Manages
Personal Information Device Manager Traveler System Usage Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Personal Information Device Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Personal Information Device Manager Operations Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transit Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transit Management Center Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transit Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transit Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Personal Information Device Supplier Personal Information Device Owner Warranty
Transit Management Center Maintainer Transit Management Center Maintains
Transit Management Center Manager Transit Management Center Manages
Transit Management Center Manager Transit Operations Personnel System Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Media Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Media Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Media User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Other Transit Management Centers Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Other Transit Management Centers Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Other Transit Management Centers User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Personal Information Device Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Personal Information Device Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Personal Information Device User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transit Management Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transit Management Center Manager Operations Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transit Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Traveler Application Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transit Management Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Management Center Supplier Transit Management Center Owner Warranty
Transit Operations Personnel Transit Management Center Operates
Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer Transit Vehicle OBE Maintains
Transit Vehicle OBE Manager Transit Vehicle OBE Manages
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Management Center Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Operations Personnel Vehicle Operating Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Manager Operations Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Supplier Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Warranty
Transportation Information Center Maintainer Transportation Information Center Maintains
Transportation Information Center Manager Transportation Information Center Manages
Transportation Information Center Owner Other Transportation Information Centers Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Other Transportation Information Centers Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Other Transportation Information Centers User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Manager Operations Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Traveler Application Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Supplier Transportation Information Center Owner Warranty
Traveler Personal Information Device Operates
Traveler Traveler Support Equipment Operates
Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer Traveler Support Equipment Maintains
Traveler Support Equipment Manager Traveler System Usage Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Manager Traveler Support Equipment Manages
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transit Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transit Management Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transit Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transit Operations Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Traveler Support Equipment Manager Operations Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Supplier Traveler Support Equipment Owner Warranty


This service package includes the following Functional View PSpecs:

Physical Object Functional Object PSpec Number PSpec Name
Personal Information Device Personal Interactive Traveler Information Determine Personal Portable Device Guidance Method Provide Personal Portable Device Dynamic Guidance Get Traveler Personal Request Provide Traveler with Personal Travel Information Provide Traveler Personal Interface Update Traveler Personal Display Map Data Provide Traveler Transit Services Interface Provide Personal Safety Messages Manage Traveler Personal Social Media Interface
7.5.3 Provide Personal Payment Device Interface Provide Road Use Charging Services Personal Interface
Transit Management Center Transit Center Information Services Produce Transit Service Data for External Use Produce Transit Service Data for Manage Transit Use Provide Interface for Other Transit Management Data
Transit Vehicle OBE Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services 4.1.1 Process On-Board Systems Data
4.1.2 Determine Transit Vehicle Service Status
4.1.7 Provide Transit Advisory Interface on Vehicle
4.6.2 Determine Traveler Needs on Vehicle
Transportation Information Center TIC Data Collection 6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.2.2 Collect Traffic Data
6.2.3 Collect Transit Operations Data
6.2.4 Collect Multimodal Data
6.2.5 Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
6.2.6 Collect Emergency Traveler Data
6.5.4 Process Travel Services Provider Data Provide Route Segment Data for Other Areas
7.4.2 Collect Price Data for Traveler Information Use
TIC Interactive Traveler Information 6.10 Manage Traveler Profiles
6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.5.2 Provide Interactive Data Interface Process Travel Services Provider Payments Process Driver Map Update Payments Process Traveler Map Update Payments Process Traveler Trip and Other Services Payments Process Traveler Rideshare Payments
Traveler Support Equipment Transit Stop Information Services 4.7.1 Provide Traveler Roadside & Vehicle Data Interface Detect Traveler at Roadside Provide Traveler Roadside Fare Interface Provide Transit Roadside Passenger Data
6.3.2 Inform Traveler


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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Media Center 'Media' represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this object. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events that may have implications for the transportation system.
Other Transit Management Centers Center Representing another transit operations center, 'Other Transit Management Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for information flows between peer transit management centers. It enables transit management activities to be coordinated across geographic boundaries or jurisdictions.
Other Transportation Information Centers Center Representing another Transportation Information Center, this object is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between peer information and service provider functions. It enables cooperative information sharing between providers as conditions warrant.
Personal Information Device Personal The 'Personal Information Device' provides the capability for travelers to receive formatted traveler information wherever they are. Capabilities include traveler information, trip planning, and route guidance. Frequently a smart phone, the Personal Information Device provides travelers with the capability to receive route planning and other personally focused transportation services from the infrastructure in the field, at home, at work, or while en-route. Personal Information Devices may operate independently or may be linked with vehicle on-board equipment. This subsystem also supports safety related services with the capability to broadcast safety messages and initiate a distress signal or request for help.
Transit Management Center Center The 'Transit Management Center' manages transit vehicle fleets and coordinates with other modes and transportation services. It provides operations, maintenance, customer information, planning and management functions for the transit property. It spans distinct central dispatch and garage management systems and supports the spectrum of fixed route, flexible route, paratransit services, transit rail, and bus rapid transit (BRT) service. The physical object's interfaces support communication between transit departments and with other operating entities such as emergency response services and traffic management systems.
Transit Operations Personnel Center 'Transit Operations Personnel' represents the people that are responsible for fleet management, maintenance operations, and scheduling activities of the transit system. These different roles represent a variety of individuals in the transit industry. Within the transit industry the person responsible for fleet management is known by many names: Street Supervisor, Starter, Dispatcher, Supervisor, Traffic Controller, Transportation Coordinator. This person actively monitors, controls, and modifies the transit fleet routes and schedules on a day to day basis (dynamic scheduling). The modifications will take account of abnormal situations such as vehicle breakdown, vehicle delay, detours around work zones or incidents (detour management, connection protection, and service restoration), and other causes of route or schedule deviations. Transit operations personnel are also responsible for demand responsive transit operation and for managing emergency situations within the transit network such as silent alarms on board transit vehicles, or the remote disabling of the vehicle. In addition the Transit Operations Personnel may be responsible for assigning vehicle operators to routes, checking vehicle operators in and out, and managing transit stop issues. This object also represents the personnel in the transit garage that are responsible for maintenance of the transit fleets, including monitoring vehicle status, matching vehicles with operators, and maintenance checking of transit vehicles. Finally, it represents the people responsible for planning, development, and management of transit routes and schedules.
Transit Vehicle OBE Vehicle The 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Equipment' (OBE) resides in a transit vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient movement of passengers. The types of transit vehicles containing this physical object include buses, paratransit vehicles, light rail vehicles, other vehicles designed to carry passengers, and supervisory vehicles. It collects ridership levels and supports electronic fare collection. It supports a traffic signal prioritization function that communicates with the roadside physical object to improve on-schedule performance. Automated vehicle location enhances the information available to the transit operator enabling more efficient operations. On-board sensors support transit vehicle maintenance. The physical object supports on-board security and safety monitoring. This monitoring includes transit user or vehicle operator activated alarms (silent or audible), as well as surveillance and sensor equipment. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. It also furnishes travelers with real-time travel information, continuously updated schedules, transfer options, routes, and fares. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including transit vehicles. The Transit Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to transit vehicles.
Transportation Information Center Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.
Traveler Personal The 'Traveler' represents any individual who uses transportation services. The interfaces to the traveler provide general pre-trip and en-route information supporting trip planning, personal guidance, and requests for assistance in an emergency that are relevant to all transportation system users. It also represents users of a public transportation system and addresses interfaces these users have within a transit vehicle or at transit facilities such as roadside stops and transit centers.
Traveler Support Equipment Field 'Traveler Support Equipment' provides access to traveler information at transit stations, transit stops, other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., rest stops, merchant locations), and major trip generation locations such as special event centers, hotels, office complexes, amusement parks, and theaters. Traveler information access points include kiosks and informational displays supporting varied levels of interaction and information access. At transit stops this might be simple displays providing schedule information and imminent arrival signals. This may be extended to include multi-modal information including traffic conditions and transit schedules to support mode and route selection at major trip generation sites. Personalized route planning and route guidance information can also be provided based on criteria supplied by the traveler. It also supports service enrollment and electronic payment of transit fares. In addition to the traveler information provision, it also enhances security in public areas by supporting traveler activated silent alarms.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Personal Interactive Traveler Information 'Personal Interactive Traveler Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones. Personal Information Device
TIC Data Collection 'TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler information to end-users. A broad range of data is collected including traffic and road conditions, transit data, emergency information and advisories, weather data, special event information, traveler services, parking, multimodal data, and toll/pricing data. It also shares data with other transportation information centers. Transportation Information Center
TIC Interactive Traveler Information 'TIC Interactive Traveler Information' disseminates personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, parking information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. Tailored information is provided based on the traveler's request in this interactive service. Transportation Information Center
Transit Center Information Services 'Transit Center Information Services' collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Transportation Information Centers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on-board the transit vehicle once they are en route. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, yellow pages, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g., itineraries) are provided to individual transit users. Transit Management Center
Transit Stop Information Services 'Transit Stop Information Services' furnishes transit users with real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. It provides transit users with information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it supports general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users. Traveler Support Equipment
Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services 'Transit Vehicle On-board Information Services' furnishes en route transit users with real-time travel-related information on-board a transit vehicle. Current information that can be provided to transit users includes transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, non-motorized transportation services, and special events are provided. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it also supports general annunciation and/or display of general schedule information, imminent arrival information, and other information of general interest to transit users. Transit Vehicle OBE

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
interactive traveler information Traveler information provided in response to a traveler request. The provided information includes traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, restrictions, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations.
personal transit information General and personalized transit information for a particular fixed route, flexible route, or paratransit system.
transit and fare schedules Transit service information including routes, schedules, and fare information. This also includes on-demand service information.
transit information for media Report of transit schedule deviations for public dissemination through the media.
transit information user request Request for special transit routing, real-time schedule information, and availability information.
transit operations personnel input User input from transit operations personnel including instructions governing service availability, schedules, emergency response plans, transit personnel assignments, transit maintenance requirements, and other inputs that establish general system operating requirements and procedures.
transit operations status Presentation of information to transit operations personnel including accumulated schedule and fare information, ridership and on-time performance information, emergency response plans, transit personnel information, maintenance records, and other information intended to support overall planning and management of a transit property.
transit schedule adherence information Dynamic transit schedule adherence and transit vehicle location information.
transit service information Transit service information including routes, schedules, and fare information as well as dynamic transit schedule adherence and transit vehicle location information.
transit traveler information Transit information prepared to support transit users and other travelers. It contains transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, alerts and advisories, and general transit service information.
transit traveler information coordination Transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, and general transit service information shared between transit organizations to support transit traveler information systems.
transit traveler request Request by a Transit traveler to summon assistance, request transit information, or request any other transit services.
traveler input User input from a traveler to summon assistance, request travel information, make a reservation, or request any other traveler service.
traveler interface updates Visual or audio information (e.g., routes, messages, guidance, emergency information) that is provided to the traveler.
traveler request A request for traveler information including traffic, transit, toll, parking, road weather conditions, event, and passenger rail information. The request identifies the type of information, the area of interest, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; Reduce congestion
F. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight; Enhance integration and connectivity
G. Promote efficient system management and operation; Improve efficiency
J. Enhance travel and tourism. Support travel and tourism

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Special Event Management: Mode Shift from SOV
Special Event Management: Traveler Information
System Efficiency: Vehicle Miles Traveled
System Options: Modal Options for Individuals with Disabilities
System Options: Mode Share
System Options: Transit Use
Transit Operations and Management: Park-and-Ride Support
Transit Operations and Management: Traveler Information
Travel Demand Management: Marketing
Traveler Information: Customer Satisfaction
Traveler Information: Information Dissemination
Traveler Information: Trip Planning Tools

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Achieve X percent alternative (non-SOV) mode share in transit station communities (or other destinations) by year Y. Percent of all trips made using alternative modes in transit station communities.
All stops have up-to-date schedule information available within X days of schedule changes. Percent of stops with up-to-date schedule information available within X days of schedule changes.
Construct visitor information centers in X communities by year Y. Number of communities in which visitor information centers are constructed.
Create a transportation access guide, which provides concise directions to reach destinations by alternative modes (transit, walking, bike, etc.) by year Y. Implementation of transportation access guide.
Decrease the percent of special event attendees traveling to the event in single-occupancy vehicles by X percent in Y years. Percent of special event attendees using single-occupancy vehicles each year for selected events.
Develop and enhance (e.g., through ease of navigation techniques) X number of web-based traveler information tools. Number of web-based traveler information tools developed or enhanced.
Develop and provide travel option services to X identified communities and audiences within Y years. Number of communities receiving travel option services.
Enhance regional multimodal trip planning tools to X data sources by year Y. The number of data sources providing information for multi-modal trip planning tools.
Equip X shelters/platforms with real-time arrival displays annually. Number of shelters/platforms equipped with real-time arrival displays per year.
Increase alternative (non-SOV) mode share for all trips by X percent within the next Y years. Share of trips by each mode of travel.
Increase average transit load factor by X percent by year Y. Number of riders on various transit units per trip at peak travel times.
Increase customer satisfaction rating of the timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information in the region by W, X, and Z percent, respectively, over Y years. Customer satisfaction ratings of timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of traveler information.
Increase number of 511 calls per year by X percent in Y years. Number of 511 calls per year.
Increase number of users of notifications for traveler information (e.g., e-mail, text message) by X percent in Y years. Number of users of notifications for traveler information (e.g., e-mail, text message) per year.
Increase number of visitors to traveler information website per year by X percent in Y years. Number of visitors to traveler information website per year.
Increase number of Web 2.0 (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) followers by X percent in Y months. Number of Web 2.0 (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) followers.
Increase passenger miles traveled per capita on transit by X percent by year Y. Number of passenger miles traveled per capita.
Increase the accuracy and completeness of traveler information posted (on variable message signs, websites, and/or web 2.0 technologies) by reducing the number of incomplete and inaccurate reports by X percent in Y years. Number of complaints received from system users about inaccurate or missing information.
Increase the availability of transit to individuals with disabilities by X percent by year Y. The percent of individuals with disabilities that can access transit.
Increase the ease of use of trip planning tools by X percent by year Y. Trip planning tools ease of use rating.
Increase the methods of effectively disseminating special event information to travelers by X percent in Y years (e.g., media releases, highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, commercial AM and FM radio). Number of effective methods to disseminate special event information to travelers.
Increase the number of uses of multimodal trip planning tools by X percent by year Y. Number of uses of trip planning tools.
Increase the number of web-based trip planner requests each year by X percent. Number of web-based trip planner requests per year.
Increase the percent of special event attendees using park & ride lots by X percent in Y years. Percent of special event attendees utilizing park & ride lots each year for selected events.
Increase the percent of special events with dedicated shuttle service by X percent in Y years. Percent of special events with dedicated shuttle service for selected events during a 1-year period.
Increase the percentage of planned special events (with attendance above Z) with information on anticipated and actual travel conditions being disseminated to the traveling public at least X hours prior to the event. Percent of special events with expected attendance over Z that traveler information is disseminated at least X hours prior to the event.
Increase transit mode share by X percent by year Y during peak periods. Percent of all peak-period trips made by transit.
Increase transit mode share by X percent by year Y. Percent of all trips made by transit.
Increase traveler awareness of park-and-ride lots by X percent within Y years. Number of users aware of park-and-ride lots in their region.
Install Wi-Fi service on X number of routes annually. The number of routes in which Wi-Fi service was installed.
Reduce vehicle miles traveled per capita by X percent by year Y. Average VMT per capita per day, per week, or per year.
Transit traveler information is available in the region via 511 web and phone service by year Y. Availability of transit traveler information on 511 web and phone service.

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips. TIC Data Collection 04 The center shall collect, process, and store transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information.
Transit Center Information Services 02 The center shall provide transit information to the media including details of deviations from schedule of regular transit services.
04 The center shall provide transit service information to traveler information service providers including routes, schedules, schedule adherence, and fare information as well as transit service information during evacuation.
05 The center shall enable yellow pages (including non-motorized transportation) information to be output to the traveler.
Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services 05 The transit vehicle shall tailor the output of the request traveler information based on the current location of the transit vehicle.
02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions. Personal Interactive Traveler Information 08 The personal traveler interface shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls.
09 The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface through which credit identity, stored credit value, or traveler information may be collected from a traveler card being used by a traveler with a personal device.
10 The personal traveler interface shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
11 The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.
12 The personal traveler interface shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
13 The personal traveler interface shall store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc.
15 The personal traveler interface shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the traveler and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.
TIC Interactive Traveler Information 01 The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.
02 The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.
03 The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.
07 The center shall disseminate customized multimodal transportation service information (for example, from ferry and airline operators), including transfer points and other information, to travelers upon request.
08 The center shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request.
10 The center shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly.
Transit Center Information Services 01 The center shall provide travelers using public transportation with traffic and advisory information upon request. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events.
Transit Stop Information Services 01 The public interface for travelers shall collect and provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas.
02 The public interface for travelers shall collect and present to the transit traveler information on transit routes, schedules, and real-time schedule adherence.
03 The public interface for travelers shall provide support for general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.
04 The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities including travelers who are visually impaired.
Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services 01 The transit vehicle shall enable traffic and travel advisory information to be requested and output to the traveler. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events.
02 The transit vehicle shall broadcast advisories about the imminent arrival of the transit vehicle at the next station/stop via an on-board automated annunciation system.
03 The transit vehicle shall support input and output forms that are suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
03 Transit Operations needs to be able to share static and real time transit information with other transit operations in order to facilitate multisystem trip planning. Transit Center Information Services 03 The center shall exchange transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, and general transit service information with other transit organizations to support transit traveler information systems.

Related Sources

Document Name Version Publication Date
ITS User Services Document 1/1/2005


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Media Low Low Moderate Class 1
Other Transit Management Centers Low Moderate Moderate Class 1
Other Transportation Information Centers Low Moderate Low Class 1
Personal Information Device Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Transit Management Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Transit Vehicle OBE Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Transportation Information Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Traveler Support Equipment Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Other Transit Management Centers Transit Management Center transit traveler information coordination Low Moderate Moderate
Does not contain any personal or confidential information. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, the greatest impact if manipulated or incorrect data would be financial and likely limited in scope. For example, making all options appear less expensive than an attacker's route of fiduciary interest, driving revenue to his route. This is undesireable and significant, but not catastrophic. Thus MODERATE generally. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, applications should be able to function without frequent updates. Thus MODERATE generally.
Other Transportation Information Centers Transportation Information Center transit service information Low Moderate Low
Generally, center-originating flows destined for a TIC don't contain any personal or confidential information, and are eventually intended for some kind of public consumption. Generally transportation coordination information should be correct between source and destination, or inappropriate actions may be taken. While useful, there is no signficant impact if this flow is not available.
Personal Information Device Transit Management Center transit information user request Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains a personalized request by an individual traveler, so should not be readable by anyone except the intended recipient. If corrupted this would result in failed connection protection. If modified intentionally would cause either failed protection or unnecessary protection. In any case these affect the efficacy and efficiency of the transit system, but the scope of the effects are limited, thus MODERATE and not HIGH. If unavailable that transit connection protection will not function. Given the scope of the application, this affects only those riders requiring protection, which should be limited scope, thus MODERATE and not HIGH.
Personal Information Device Transportation Information Center traveler request Moderate Moderate Moderate
This is likely to include the traveler location and may include traveler identity as well. This PII could be used by an attacker to the detriment of the traveler. Request needs to be correct, or the wrong data may be sent. Interface needs to be available or users will find other sources that are reliable.
Personal Information Device Traveler traveler interface updates Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
Personalized data that includes directions and guidance for an individual, but eventually evident anyway. Should be accurate as the Traveler will be relying on this information for routing and related choices. Lack of accuracy will result in lack of confidence from the traveler as well as an unsatisfactory trip, leading to a negative feedback spiral. Users expect their devices to work. If information is not presented to the operator, the relevant applications simply won't be used.
Transit Management Center Media transit information for media Low Moderate Moderate
This information is intended for distribution to all members of the traveling public. Transit information needs to be accurate, as it will be used by travelers to make decisions regarding their travel. Inaccurate or corrupted data could reduce overall mobility and certainly impact individual drivers. There should be other means for getting this information, but as this is the 'source flow' for a wide area broadcast with a huge potential distribution, the breadth of the impact covers all travelers.
Transit Management Center Other Transit Management Centers transit traveler information coordination Low Moderate Moderate
Does not contain any personal or confidential information. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, the greatest impact if manipulated or incorrect data would be financial and likely limited in scope. For example, making all options appear less expensive than an attacker's route of fiduciary interest, driving revenue to his route. This is undesireable and significant, but not catastrophic. Thus MODERATE generally. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, applications should be able to function without frequent updates. Thus MODERATE generally.
Transit Management Center Personal Information Device personal transit information Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains a personalized reponse to an individual traveler, so should not be readable by anyone except that traveler. If incorrect, the traveler may believe they have to make other plans, which is a significant inconvenience to them, but affects a limited scope so MODERATE not HIGH. If unavailable, the traveler may make other plans, which is a significant inconvenience to them, but affects a limited scope so MODERATE not HIGH.
Transit Management Center Transit Operations Personnel transit operations status Moderate High High
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system.
Transit Management Center Transit Vehicle OBE transit traveler information Low Moderate Moderate
This information is not sensitive. It is generally made public, to support transit system functionality. Accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes. Corruption of this data could lead to revenue loss and confusion. Does not happen often, but when this information is needed its use is imminent. Consequently the flow needs to be reliable for those limited times.
Transit Management Center Transportation Information Center transit and fare schedules Low Moderate Moderate
Generally, center-originating flows destined for a TIC don't contain any personal or confidential information, and are eventually intended for some kind of public consumption. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, the greatest impact if manipulated or incorrect data would be financial and likely limited in scope. For example, making all options appear less expensive than an attacker's route of fiduciary interest, driving revenue to his route. This is undesireable and significant, but not catastrophic. Thus MODERATE generally. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, applications should be able to function without frequent updates. Thus MODERATE generally, though it could be LOW depending on the level of projected updates.
Transit Management Center Transportation Information Center transit schedule adherence information Low Moderate Moderate
Eventually intended for public consumption, so no need to obfuscate. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, applications should be able to function without it. Thus MODERATE generally. While accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes, applications should be able to cfunction without it. Thus MODERATE generally.
Transit Management Center Traveler Support Equipment transit traveler information Low Moderate Moderate
This information is not sensitive. It is generally made public, to support transit system functionality. Accuracy of this data is important for decision making purposes. Corruption of this data could lead to revenue loss and confusion. Does not happen often, but when this information is needed its use is imminent. Consequently the flow needs to be reliable for those limited times.
Transit Operations Personnel Transit Management Center transit operations personnel input Moderate High High
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system.
Transit Vehicle OBE Transit Management Center transit traveler request Moderate Moderate Moderate
May contain the PII of the originator, which should be readable only by the intended recepient lest the originator's privacy be violated. If the implementation does not provide traveler identity, this may be reduced to LOW. If this is compromised or corrupted, the user's needs may not be properly communicated or met. If this is forged, the transit provider may provide unnecessary services. If this is not available, the user may not receive transit services offered, and as with other transit services may ceases using the system. While the immediate impact is LOW, long term impact is MODERATE due to user confidence issues.
Transit Vehicle OBE Traveler traveler interface updates Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
This data is informing the vehicle of operational information that is relevant to the operation of the vehicle. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. Should be accurate as the Traveler will be relying on this information for routing and related choices. Lack of accuracy will result in lack of confidence from the traveler as well as an unsatisfactory trip, leading to a negative feedback spiral. Users expect their devices to work. If information is not presented to the operator, the relevant applications simply won't be used.
Transportation Information Center Other Transportation Information Centers transit service information Low Moderate Low
Generally, center-originating flows destined for a TIC don't contain any personal or confidential information, and are eventually intended for some kind of public consumption. Generally transportation coordination information should be correct between source and destination, or inappropriate actions may be taken. While useful, there is no signficant impact if this flow is not available.
Transportation Information Center Personal Information Device interactive traveler information Moderate Moderate Low
Personalized traveler information implies location, intent and/or future location, which if compromised could enable an attacker with leverage over the traveler. Traveler information needs to be correct, as the traveler is using this to make transport-related decisions. Travelers will rely on this data for transportation-related decisions. Depending on the number of options, possible choices and impacts, this may be MODERATE.
Traveler Personal Information Device traveler input Not Applicable Moderate Low
This data is informing the vehicle of operational information that is relevant to the operation of the vehicle. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. While public, information must be correct or travelers may make incorrect decisions with regard to their travel plans. Information is available through other means, though depending on the location this might not always be the case, in which case this would be MODERATE.
Traveler Transit Vehicle OBE traveler input Not Applicable Moderate Low
This data is informing the vehicle of operational information that is relevant to the operation of the vehicle. It should not contain anything sensitive, and does not matter if another person can observe it. While public, information must be correct or travelers may make incorrect decisions with regard to their travel plans. Information is available through other means, though depending on the location this might not always be the case, in which case this would be MODERATE.
Traveler Traveler Support Equipment traveler input Not Applicable Moderate Low
Publicly available information, while not directly observable, is intended for widespread distribution While public, information must be correct or travelers may make incorrect decisions with regard to their travel plans. Information is available through other means, though depending on the location this might not always be the case, in which case this would be MODERATE.
Traveler Support Equipment Transit Management Center transit traveler request Moderate Moderate Moderate
May contain the PII of the originator, which should be readable only by the intended recepient lest the originator's privacy be violated. If the implementation does not provide traveler identity, this may be reduced to LOW. If this is compromised or corrupted, the user's needs may not be properly communicated or met. If this is forged, the transit provider may provide unnecessary services. If this is not available, the user may not receive transit services offered, and as with other transit services may ceases using the system. While the immediate impact is LOW, long term impact is MODERATE due to user confidence issues.
Traveler Support Equipment Traveler traveler interface updates Not Applicable Moderate Moderate
Publicly available information, while not directly observable, is intended for widespread distribution Should be accurate as the Traveler will be relying on this information for routing and related choices. Lack of accuracy will result in lack of confidence from the traveler as well as an unsatisfactory trip, leading to a negative feedback spiral. Users expect their devices to work. If information is not presented to the operator, the relevant applications simply won't be used.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall collect, process, and store transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information. 01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips.
002 The system shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
003 The system shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
004 The system shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
005 The system shall disseminate customized multimodal transportation service information (for example, from ferry and airline operators), including transfer points and other information, to travelers upon request. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
006 The system shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
007 The system shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
008 The system shall provide travelers using public transportation with traffic and advisory information upon request. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
009 The system shall provide transit information to the media including details of deviations from schedule of regular transit services. 01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips.
010 The system shall exchange transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, and general transit service information with other transit organizations to support transit traveler information systems. 03 Transit Operations needs to be able to share static and real time transit information with other transit operations in order to facilitate multisystem trip planning.
011 The system shall provide transit service information to traveler information service providers including routes, schedules, schedule adherence, and fare information as well as transit service information during evacuation. 01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips.
012 The system shall enable yellow pages (including non-motorized transportation) information to be output to the traveler. 01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips.
013 The system shall collect and provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
014 The system shall collect and present to the transit traveler information on transit routes, schedules, and real-time schedule adherence. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
015 The system shall provide support for general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
016 The system shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities including travelers who are visually impaired. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
017 The system shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
018 The system shall provide an interface through which credit identity, stored credit value, or traveler information may be collected from a traveler card being used by a traveler with a personal device. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
019 The system shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
020 The system shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
021 The system shall store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
022 The system shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the traveler and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
023 The system shall enable traffic and travel advisory information to be requested and output to the traveler. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
024 The system shall broadcast advisories about the imminent arrival of the transit vehicle at the next stop via an on-board automated annunciation system. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
025 The system shall support input and output forms that are suitable for travelers with physical disabilities. 02 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pre-trip or en route in order to support traveler trip decisions.
026 The system shall tailor the output of the request traveler information based on the current location of the transit vehicle. 01 Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers' ability to plan and manage their trips.