< < PT12 : PT13 : PT14 > >

PT13: Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle

The Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle (VTRFTV) service package determines the movement of vehicles near to a transit vehicle stopped at a transit stop/station and provides an indication to the transit vehicle operator that a nearby vehicle is pulling in front of the transit vehicle to make a right turn. This service package will help the transit vehicle determine if the area in front of it will not be occupied as it begins to pull away from a transit stop/station.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Basic Transit Vehicle Maintainer Basic Transit Vehicle Maintains
Basic Transit Vehicle Manager Basic Transit Vehicle Manages
Basic Transit Vehicle Manager Transit Vehicle Operator System Usage Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Basic Transit Vehicle Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Basic Transit Vehicle Manager Operations Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Application Usage Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Vehicle Operating Agreement
Basic Transit Vehicle Supplier Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Warranty
Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer Transit Vehicle OBE Maintains
Transit Vehicle OBE Manager Transit Vehicle OBE Manages
Transit Vehicle OBE Manager Transit Vehicle Operator System Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Basic Transit Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Basic Transit Vehicle Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Basic Transit Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Manager Operations Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Application Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Vehicle Operating Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Vehicle Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Vehicle Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Vehicle User Service Usage Agreement
Transit Vehicle OBE Supplier Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Warranty
Transit Vehicle Operator Basic Transit Vehicle Operates
Transit Vehicle Operator Transit Vehicle OBE Operates
Vehicle Maintainer Vehicle Maintains
Vehicle Manager Vehicle Manages
Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Application Usage Agreement
Vehicle Owner Transit Vehicle Operator Vehicle Operating Agreement
Vehicle Owner Vehicle Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Vehicle Owner Vehicle Manager Operations Agreement
Vehicle Supplier Vehicle Owner Warranty


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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Basic Transit Vehicle Vehicle The 'Basic Transit Vehicle' represents the transit vehicle that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS functions. It includes a specialized and extended databus that is subject to different vehicle databus standards and hosts a broad range of components that are unique to a transit vehicle including the farebox and associated electronics, passenger counters, and transit security systems. The Transit Vehicle may represent a bus, paratransit vehicle, light rail vehicle, or other vehicle designed to carry passengers.
Transit Vehicle OBE Vehicle The 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Equipment' (OBE) resides in a transit vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient movement of passengers. The types of transit vehicles containing this physical object include buses, paratransit vehicles, light rail vehicles, other vehicles designed to carry passengers, and supervisory vehicles. It collects ridership levels and supports electronic fare collection. It supports a traffic signal prioritization function that communicates with the roadside physical object to improve on-schedule performance. Automated vehicle location enhances the information available to the transit operator enabling more efficient operations. On-board sensors support transit vehicle maintenance. The physical object supports on-board security and safety monitoring. This monitoring includes transit user or vehicle operator activated alarms (silent or audible), as well as surveillance and sensor equipment. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. It also furnishes travelers with real-time travel information, continuously updated schedules, transfer options, routes, and fares. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including transit vehicles. The Transit Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to transit vehicles.
Transit Vehicle Operator Vehicle The 'Transit Vehicle Operator' represents the person that receives and provides additional information that is specific to operating the ITS functions in all types of transit vehicles. The information received by the operator would include status of on-board systems. Additional information received depends upon the type of transit vehicle. In the case of fixed route transit vehicles, the Transit Vehicle Operator would receive operator instructions that might include actions to take to correct schedule deviations. In the case of flexible fixed routes and demand response routes the information would also include dynamic routing or passenger pickup information.
Vehicle Vehicle This 'Vehicle' physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to more than one type of Vehicle. It provides the vehicle-based general sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions that support efficient, safe, and convenient travel. Many of these capabilities (e.g., see the Vehicle Safety service packages) apply to all vehicle types including personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and maintenance vehicles. From this perspective, the Vehicle includes the common interfaces and functions that apply to all motorized vehicles. The radio(s) supporting V2V and V2I communications are a key component of the Vehicle. Both one-way and two-way communications options support a spectrum of information services from basic broadcast to advanced personalized information services. Advanced sensors, processors, enhanced driver interfaces, and actuators complement the driver information services so that, in addition to making informed mode and route selections, the driver travels these routes in a safer and more consistent manner. This physical object supports all six levels of driving automation as defined in SAE J3016. Initial collision avoidance functions provide 'vigilant co-pilot' driver warning capabilities. More advanced functions assume limited control of the vehicle to maintain lane position and safe headways. In the most advanced implementations, this Physical Object supports full automation of all aspects of the driving task, aided by communications with other vehicles in the vicinity and in coordination with supporting infrastructure subsystems.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Transit Vehicle V2V Safety 'Transit Vehicle V2V Safety' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to predict vehicle paths, and notifies the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are used to augment the V2V communications, if available. In addition to notifying the driver, control information can also be provided to support automated control functions that can avoid the collision. This object is similar to the 'Vehicle Basic V2V Safety', but it accounts for crash scenarios that are unique to transit vehicles (e.g., Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus). It is also stop-aware since stop locations pose specific crash threats for transit vehicles. Finally, the detection and control algorithms, filters, and timing account for bus performance and risk profiles associated with remote vehicles that are unique to transit. Transit Vehicle OBE
Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication' exchanges current vehicle characteristics, location, and motion (including past and intended maneuver) information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to calculate vehicle paths, and warns the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. If available, map data is used to filter and interpret the relative location and motion of vehicles in the vicinity. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connected vehicle data. This object represents a broad range of implementations ranging from basic Vehicle Awareness Devices that only broadcast vehicle location and motion and provide no driver warnings to advanced integrated safety systems that coordinate maneuvers and may, in addition to warning the driver, provide collision warning information to support automated control functions that can support control intervention. Vehicle

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
collision warning information Information provided to support computer-based intervention of vehicle controls. Analogous to driver warnings, these are warnings issued to on-board control systems of an impending collision or other situation detected by the Vehicle OBE that may require control intervention.
host transit vehicle status Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the Transit Vehicle Platform.
transit vehicle operator display Visual, audible, and tactile outputs to the transit vehicle operator including vehicle surveillance information, alarm information, vehicle system status, information from the operations center, and information indicating the status of all other on-board ITS services.
transit vehicle operator input Transit vehicle operator inputs to on-board ITS equipment, including tactile and verbal inputs. Includes authentication information, on-board system control, emergency requests, and fare transaction data.
vehicle location and motion Data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; Reduce fatalities and injuries
C. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; Improve security
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; Reduce congestion

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Safety: Vehicle Crashes and Fatalities
Transit Operations and Management: Safety

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Decrease the number of personal safety incidents by X percent within Y years. Number of reported personal safety incidents.
Increase personal safety ratings by X percent within Y years. Personal safety and customer service ratings.
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities at signalized intersections
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities at unsignalized intersections
Reduce crashes at intersections Number of crashes and fatalities related to red-light running
Reduce crashes due to unsafe drivers, vehicles and cargo on the transportation system Number of crashes and fatalities due to commercial vehicle safety violations
Reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities by X percent by year Y. Number of motorcyclist fatalities
Reduce the rate fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y. Rate of fatalities (rate per vehicle miles travelled (VMT))
Reduce the rate of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Rate of serious injuries (rate per VMT)
Reduce the total number of crashes in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes involving bicycles.
Reduce the total number of crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians in the region by X percent by year Y. Total crashes involving pedestrians.
Reduce the total number of fatalities and severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Total fatalities per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of fatalities and severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Total severe injuries per X VMT.
Reduce the total number of fatalities in the region by X percent by year Y. Number of fatalities
Reduce the total number of severe injuries in the region by X percent by year Y. Number of serious injuries

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station. Transit Vehicle V2V Safety 01 The transit vehicle shall exchange current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity.
03 The transit vehicle shall provide a warning to the transit vehicle operator if a nearby vehicle is a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
04 The transit vehicle shall identify if another vehicle is pulling in front of it to make a right turn using location information received from other vehicles.
05 The vehicle shall broadcast transit vehicle behavioral information (pulling out, about to stop, etc.) to other vehicles in the vicinity.
06 The vehicle shall acquire transit vehicle trajectory information.
Vehicle Basic Safety Communication 06 The vehicle shall exchange location and motion information with roadside equipment and nearby vehicles.

Related Sources

Document Name Version Publication Date
Transit Safety Retrofit Package Development Applications Requirements Document Final 5/28/2014
Transit Safety Retrofit Package Development Architecture and Design Specifications Final 5/19/2014
Transit Safety Retrofit Package Development TRP Concept of Operations Final 5/28/2014
ConOps for Transit Connected Vehicle Draft 3/31/2012
SAE J3067- Candidate Improvements to Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary (SAE J2735)Using Systems Engineering Methods 8/15/2014


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Basic Transit Vehicle  
Transit Vehicle OBE  

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Basic Transit Vehicle Transit Vehicle OBE host transit vehicle status Moderate Moderate Moderate
This can include some sensitive data. However, other data, such as vehicle location and motion will then be broadcast. There also may be proprietary information included in this. DISC THEA believes this to be LOW: "sensor data is not confidential; harm should not come from seeing status." This is used later on to determine whether a vehicle should request priority at an intersection. If this information is incorrect the vehicle may make false requests. All other flows that use the data from this flow have a MODERATE integrity requirement, therefore, this must also have a MODERATE integrity requirement. DISC: THEA believes this should be HIGH: "sensor data needs to be accurate and should not be tampered with." This information would need to be available immediately for the application to work.DISC: THEA believes this should be HIGH: "sensor data must be consistently available to feed BSMs broadcast at 10Hz, notifications, etc.."
Transit Vehicle OBE Basic Transit Vehicle collision warning information Low Moderate Moderate
The information described in this message is the result of an analysis on broadcast data. It would not be difficult for a third party to produce the same message by listening to the broadcast information. This information is used by automated control systems on the vehicle platform to decide whether to react automatically, for example by braking. We assume that the vehicle platform uses this as only one input to the decision and will also take input from front-facing sensors (for pedestrian detection), rear-facing sensors (to detect possible rear-ending), etc. We strongly recommend that this message is not used as the sole basis for action; if it were to be so used, the integrity requirement might need to be HIGH, but we do not consider this case in detail here.DISC: THEA believes this should be HIGH: "information that provides warnings must be accurate and cannot be tampered with." This information is just one of a number of inputs to the vehicle platform that may be used to determine whether or not to take evasive action. DISC: THEA believes this should be HIGH: "information that provides warnings must be immediately available for the driver/control systems to react."
Transit Vehicle OBE Transit Vehicle Operator transit vehicle operator display Low Moderate Low
This should not include any sensitive information. It would be possible for a person standing behind the driver to observe the information transmitted. Some minimal guarantee of data integrity is necessary for all C-ITS flows. This entire application should not directly affect the drivers driving habits. The operator should still be slowing and stopping at yellow or red lights, along with observing all other driving regulations. DISC: Original V2I analysis classified this as LOW. Even if the operator is not made aware of the signal preemption, the system should still operate correctly. The operator should be using the traffic lights to influence their decision about whether or not to stop, not the display.
Transit Vehicle Operator Transit Vehicle OBE transit vehicle operator input Low Moderate Low
This information is transmitted through systems on board the Transit Vehicle. Even if the vehicle were compromised and these communications monitored, most of this information is directly observable. Some minimal guarantee of data integrity is necessary for all C-ITS flows. If this is compromised, it could result in an incorrect signal priority request, which has minimal impact. DISC: Original V2I analysis classified this as LOW. A delay in reporting this may result in a signal priority request not going through, which has minimal impact.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall exchange current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
002 The system shall provide a warning to the transit vehicle operator if a nearby vehicle is a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station. 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
003 The system shall identify if another vehicle is pulling in front of it to make a right turn using location information received from other vehicles. 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
004 The system shall broadcast transit vehicle behavioral information (pulling out, about to stop, etc.) to other vehicles in the vicinity 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
005 The system shall acquire transit vehicle trajectory information. 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.
006 The system shall exchange location and motion information with roadside equipment and nearby vehicles. 01 Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.