< < SU13 : SU14 : SU15 > >

SU14: Remote Access

This service package allows system operators and other ITS users to access user interfaces remotely, using a local device to provide secure remote access via a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Through this mechanism, an operator can 'operate' a system from a remote location, as if he were physically in the center.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Center Maintainer Center Maintains
Center Manager Center Manages
Center Manager Center Personnel System Usage Agreement
Center Owner Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Center Owner Center Manager Operations Agreement
Center Owner Center Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Center Owner Remote Access Device Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Center Owner Remote Access Device Owner Information Provision Agreement
Center Owner Remote Access Device User Service Usage Agreement
Center Personnel Center Operates
Center Personnel Remote Access Device Operates
Center Supplier Center Owner Warranty
Remote Access Device Maintainer Remote Access Device Maintains
Remote Access Device Manager Center Personnel System Usage Agreement
Remote Access Device Manager Remote Access Device Manages
Remote Access Device Owner Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Remote Access Device Owner Center Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Remote Access Device Owner Center Personnel Application Usage Agreement
Remote Access Device Owner Center User Service Usage Agreement
Remote Access Device Owner Remote Access Device Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Remote Access Device Owner Remote Access Device Manager Operations Agreement
Remote Access Device Supplier Remote Access Device Owner Warranty


This service package includes the following Functional View PSpecs:

Physical Object Functional Object PSpec Number PSpec Name
Center Center Remote Access Provide VPN Connection to Remote Operators
Remote Access Device Remote Access Provide Remote Operator Access


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PNG Diagram

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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Center Center This general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any center.
Center Personnel Center 'Center Personnel' represent system operators and other personnel that work within a transportation center. This interface supports modeling of general human interactions that are common to any center.
Remote Access Device Personal The 'Remote Access Device' allows a system operator/user outside a physical center to remotely access a center or support system and interact with that system as if the operator was in the center. This requires a secure, authenticated Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection between the Remote Access Device and the center or support system.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Center Remote Access 'Center Remote Access' provides remote access to system operators outside the center. Center
Remote Access 'Remote Access' provides remote access to system operators outside the center, allowing a remote system operator to interact with a center or support system as if he were local. Remote Access Device

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
center operator data Data presented to a center operator. This flow represents general status output and other data that broadly applies to transportation centers.
center operator input Input from a center operator. This flow represents operator input that broadly applies to transportation centers.
secure center operator data Operator data normally provided to a local operator within a center. In this case, the data is provided securely to a remote operator via VPN.
secure center operator input Operator inputs provided via VPN to a remote center.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
C. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; Improve security

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Security: Crime
Security: Terrorism, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Material Incidents

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Enhance tracking and monitoring of sensitive Hazmat shipments Number of Hazmat shipments tracked in real-time
Reduce exposure due to Hazmat & homeland security incidents Homeland security incident response time
Reduce exposure due to Hazmat & homeland security incidents Number of Hazmat incidents
Reduce exposure due to Hazmat & homeland security incidents Number of homeland security incidents
Reduce security risks to motorists and travelers Number of critical sites with security surveillance
Reduce security risks to motorists and travelers Number of security incidents on roadways
Reduce security risks to transit passengers and transit vehicle operators Number of security incidents at transit facilities
Reduce security risks to transit passengers and transit vehicle operators Number of security incidents on transit vehicles
Reduce security risks to transit passengers and transit vehicle operators Number of transit facilities and vehicles under security surveillance
Reduce security risks to transportation infrastructure Number of critical sites with hardened security enhancements
Reduce security risks to transportation infrastructure Number of critical sites with security surveillance
Reduce security risks to transportation infrastructure Number of security incidents on transportation infrastructure

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely. Center Remote Access 01 The Center shall establish a secure (encrypted and authenticated) virtual private network (VPN) connection with the remote operator via their Remote Access Device.
02 The Center shall receive operator commands from the Remote Access Device over the VPN and execute those commands locally
03 The Center shall forward all display updates via the VPN to the Remote Access Device.
04 The Center shall close the VPN session and the connection when the remote operator logs out.
Remote Access 01 The Remote Access Device shall establish a secure (encrypted and authenticated) virtual private network (VPN) connection with the remote system.
02 The Remote Access Device shall accept user commands for the remote system and provide these commands securely over the VPN.
03 The Remote Access Device shall receive all remote display updates and provide these updates to the operator.
04 The Remote Access Device shall close the VPN session and the connection when the operator logs out.
05 The device shall present decrypted information received from the remote service to the operator.
06 The device shall accept information from the operator.
07 The device shall accept encrypted information from the remote service.
08 The device shall provide information received from the operator to the remote service in encrypted form.

Related Sources

  • None


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Remote Access Device Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Center Remote Access Device secure center operator data Moderate Moderate Moderate
This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers.
Center Personnel Remote Access Device center operator input Moderate Moderate Moderate
This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers.
Remote Access Device Center secure center operator input Moderate Moderate Moderate
This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers.
Remote Access Device Center Personnel center operator data Moderate Moderate Moderate
This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers. This flow represents an operator control flow; observation may expose procedures and vulnerabilities, and may enable nefarious activity. Manipulation of flow contents, may enable nefarious activity, whlie interruptions or accidental changes to flow contents are likely to disrupt transportation operations. The whole point of this flow is to secure remote operations of ITS centers.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall establish a secure (encrypted and authenticated) virtual private network (VPN) connection with the remote operator via their Remote Access Device. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
002 The system shall receive operator commands from the Remote Access Device over the VPN and execute those commands locally 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
003 The system shall forward all display updates via the VPN to the Remote Access Device. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
004 The system shall close the VPN session and the connection when the remote operator logs out. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
005 The system shall establish a secure (encrypted and authenticated) virtual private network (VPN) connection with the remote system. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
006 The system shall present decrypted information received from the remote service to the operator. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
007 The system shall accept user commands for the remote system and provide these commands securely over the VPN. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
008 The system shall provide information received from the operator to the remote service in encrypted form. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
009 The system shall receive all remote display updates and provide these updates to the operator. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
010 The system shall accept information from the operator. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
011 The system shall close the VPN session and the connection when the operator logs out. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.
012 The system shall accept encrypted information from the remote service. 01 System operators need to securely interact with their center or support system while operating remotely.