6.2.1: Collect Misc Traveler Information
This process shall collect miscellaneous traveler information including information about parking facilities, events, weather, border crossings, individual traveler-sourced data (including social media inputs), and the services of traveler services providers. Data quality checks shall be performed on all collected data. The process shall provide data formatted for use as part of a traveler's trip. The process shall provide the data to the broadcast traveler information application, and to the application which transmits traveler information to other operations centers. Upon request from the interactive traveler information application the process shall provide all or some requested subset of the collected traveler data. Upon receipt of traveler information alert subscriptions, this process shall output relevant traveler information (e.g., special event, road weather, border congestion, and parking) alerts. The process shall maintain a store of data collected from the miscellaneous sources. This process shall exchange information with Other transportation information centers (TIC) to allow one TIC to act as a wholesaler and provide information to other TICs. The process shall select the appropriate subset of data which will be sent to each ITS application or entity that is requesting data. The process shall provide all of the received information to the TIC Operator Interface process and receive the data collection parameters (to define exactly what data shall be retrieved as a result of each request) from the operator interface process. This process shall collected data from roadside equipment managed by this function concerning nearby electric charging stations. This process shall develop and update the inventory of electric charging stations, including static data such as locations, hours, restrictions, types supported as well as dynamic data such as availability.
This process is associated with the Transportation Information Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- TIC Data Collection
- TIC Emergency Traveler Information
- TIC Interactive Traveler Information
- TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings
- TIC Situation Data Management
- TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation
- TIC Trip Planning
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- border_data_for_broadcast
- border_data_for_interactive
- traveler_border_status
- feps-event_information_for_travelers
- misc_trav_info_data_collection_parameters
- tm-traveler_information_request
- border_data_request_for_alerts
- parking_data_request_for_alerts
- weather_data_request_for_alerts
- event_information_request_for_alerts
- border_data_for_alerts
- event_information_for_alerts
- parking_data_for_alerts
- weather_data_for_alerts
- border_data_for_centers
- ftsp-travel_services_data
- ttsp-travel_services_info_request
- travel_services_update_request
- current_border_wait_time_for_info
- predicted_border_wait_time_for_info
- actual_border_wait_time_for_info
- env_sensor_data_from_vehicles
- event_information_for_broadcast
- event_information_for_centers
- event_information_for_interactive
- event_information_request_from_interactive
- fstws-surface_trans_weather_forecasts
- fstws-surface_trans_weather_observations
- fws-current_weather_observations
- fws-weather_forecasts
- misc_trav_info_collected_for_personnel
- parking_data_for_broadcast
- parking_data_for_centers
- parking_data_for_interactive
- parking_data_for_trip_planning
- parking_data_request_from_interactive
- parking_data_request_from_trip_planning
- parking_lot_availability
- parking_lot_data_request
- weather_data_for_broadcast
- weather_data_for_centers
- weather_data_for_interactive
- weather_data_for_route_guidance
- weather_data_for_trip_planning
- weather_data_request_from_interactive
- weather_data_request_from_route_guidance
- weather_data_request_from_trip_planning
- travel_services_data_for_travel_services
- travel_services_new_data_request
- travel_services_provider_data_for_data_collector
- dynamic_parking_information_for_traveler
- static_parking_information_for_traveler
- fws-env_sensor_data_for_traveler
- fotic-road_weather_data
- fotic-parking_data
- fotic-misc_traveler_information
- parking_lot_dynamic_information_request
- parking_lot_static_information_request
- road_weather_info_for_traveler
- totic-parking_data
- totic-road_weather_data
- traffic_road_weather_data
- totic-misc_traveler_information
- electric_charging_station_status
- electric_charging_data_for_broadcast
- electric_charging_station_details
- price_data_for_electric_charging
- freight_weather_data
- traveler_personal_transportation_data_input
- vehicle_transportation_data_input
- fsm-regional_travel_services_information
- tsm-regional_travel_services_information
- traveler_transportation_data_inputs
- environment_sensor_data_for_traveler_information
- pathway_equipment_outputs_for_centers
- pathway_equipment_status_for_centers
- traveler_personal_pathway_data_input
- user_pathway_data_input
- totic-electric_charging_station_data
- fotic-electric_charging_station_data