Kind: Subsystem
Class: Vehicle
Type: System
Transit Vehicle OBE
The 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Equipment' (OBE) resides in a transit vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient movement of passengers. The types of transit vehicles containing this physical object include buses, paratransit vehicles, light rail vehicles, other vehicles designed to carry passengers, and supervisory vehicles. It collects ridership levels and supports electronic fare collection. It supports a traffic signal prioritization function that communicates with the roadside physical object to improve on-schedule performance. Automated vehicle location enhances the information available to the transit operator enabling more efficient operations. On-board sensors support transit vehicle maintenance. The physical object supports on-board security and safety monitoring. This monitoring includes transit user or vehicle operator activated alarms (silent or audible), as well as surveillance and sensor equipment. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. It also furnishes travelers with real-time travel information, continuously updated schedules, transfer options, routes, and fares. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including transit vehicles. The Transit Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to transit vehicles.
This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:
- PS10: Wide-Area Alert
- PT01: Transit Vehicle Tracking
- PT02: Transit Fixed-Route Operations
- PT03: Dynamic Transit Operations
- PT04: Transit Fare Collection Management
- PT05: Transit Security
- PT06: Transit Fleet Management
- PT07: Transit Passenger Counting
- PT08: Transit Traveler Information
- PT09: Transit Signal Priority
- PT10: Intermittent Bus Lanes
- PT11: Transit Pedestrian Indication
- PT12: Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings
- PT13: Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle
- PT14: Multi-modal Coordination
- PT15: Transit Stop Request
- PT16: Route ID for the Visually Impaired
- PT17: Transit Connection Protection
- ST01: Emissions Monitoring
- TI05: Integrated Multi-Modal Electronic Payment
- TI07: In-Vehicle Signage
- VS04: Special Vehicle Alert
This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.
Interfaces Diagram
Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.