V/C: Volume-to-Capacity Ratio
V2I: Vehicle to Infrastructure
V2V: Vehicle to Vehicle
V2X: Vehicle to Vehicle, Infrastructure, or other Devices
VAD: Vehicle Awareness Device
VC: Vehicle Control
VC: Vehicle Clearance
VCW: Vehicle Collision Warning
VDT: Vehicle Data Translator
VDTO: Vehicle Data for Traffic Operations
VER: Vehicle Emergency Response, Verification Error Rate
VII: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration
VIIC: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Coalition
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VMS: Variable Message Sign
VMT: Vehicle Miles Traveled
VOC: Volatile Organic Compound
VoD: Video on Demand
VPN: Virtual Private Network
VRU: Vulnerable Road User
VS: Vehicle Subsystem (legacy National ITS Architecture)
VSC-A: Vehicle Safety Communications - Applications
VSL: Variable Speed Limits