
SA: Situational Awareness
SAD: System Architecture Document
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
SAFETEA-LU: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SCMS: Security Credentials Management System
SCMS: Security and Credentials Management System
SCN: Service Component Node
SCOOT: Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique
SDH: Sensor Data Handler
SDO: Standards Development Organization
SDW: Situation Data Warehouse
SE: Systems Engineering
SEA: Systems Engineering Analysis
SENTRI: Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection
SEO: Software Engineering Object
SEP: Systems Engineering Process
SET-IT: Systems Engineering Tool for Intelligent Transportation
SID: Safety Inspection Data
SM: System Monitoring
SM&O: Systems Management and Operations Plan
SME: Security Monitoring Equipment
SMI: Signal Movements at Intersctions
SMS: Security Monitoring Subsystem (legacy National ITS Architecture)
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
SO2: Sulfur Dioxide
SoS: System of systems
SPAT: Signal Phase and Timing Message
SPD-HARM: Speed Harmonization
SPRS: Smart Park and Ride System
SRI: Smart Roadside Initiative
SSGA: Stop Sign Gap Assist
SSL: Signal System Local
SSM: Signal System Master
SSR: Standard Speed Rail
SSVW: Stop Sign Violation Warning
STIP: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
STMF: Simple Transportation Management Framework
STMP: Simple Transportation Management Protocol
STRAHNET: Strategic Highway Network
SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
SVSI: Stopline Violations at Signalized Intersections
SVUI: Stopline Violations at Unsignalized Intersections
SW: Software
SWIW: Spot Weather Impact Warning
SyRS: System Requirements Specification
SysML: Systems Modeling Language