Manage Secure Vehicle Emergencies
This process shall support the management of emergencies that occur on-board a transit vehicle. The process shall accept emergency inputs from either the transit vehicle operator or a traveler through such interfaces as panic buttons, silent or audible alarms, etc. The process shall output reported emergencies to transit and emergency management functions. The process shall receive acknowledgments of the emergency request from the responsible management function and output this acknowledgment to the transit vehicle operator or to the travelers. The process shall be capable of receiving an emergency message for broadcast to the travelers or to the transit vehicle operator. The process shall be capable of receiving a vehicle disable command from the transit management function and of initiating the disabling of the transit vehicle. The process shall be capable of receiving a vehicle enable command that would reverse a previously received disable command. The process shall be capable of providing the status of this on-board disable action to the transit management function. The process shall be capable of disabling or enabling the operation of the transit vehicle based upon the authentication of the transit vehicle operator.
This process is associated with the Transit Vehicle OBE physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- emergency_request_from_transit_operator
- emergency_response_to_transit_operator
- fbtv-transit_vehicle_disable_acknowledge
- ft-secure_transit_vehicle_emergency_request
- on_board_traveler_alarm_response
- on_board_traveler_alarm_response_from_transit
- transit_vehicle_disable_acknowledge
- transit_vehicle_disabled
- tt-secure_transit_vehicle_emergency_response
- remote_transit_vehicle_disable
- local_transit_operator_authentication
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_acknowledge
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_acknowledge_for_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_request
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_request_for_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_location
- tbtv-transit_vehicle_disable_command
- tbtv-transit_vehicle_disable_reset_command
- transit_vehicle_disable_reset
- transit_vehicle_location_for_alarms