2.3.9: Process Commercial Vehicle Roadside Messages
This process shall act as an exchange mechanism to collect incoming messages from commercial vehicles transmitted wirelessly as the approach a commercial vehicle check facility for credentials/safety inspections. The received messages shall be sent to the check facility to support smart roadside initiative activities such as vehicle credentialing and electronic screening. This process shall receive messages requesting credentials or informing vehicles to pass or pull-in from the check station and transmit the messages to connected commercial vehicles in the vicinity.
This process is associated with the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- cvo_onboard_safety_data
- cvo_safety_inspection_request
- cv_electronic_clearance_data
- cv_on_board_data
- cvo_driver_log
- cvo_tag_data
- cv_freight_equipment_info
- cv_roadside_data_collected
- cv_on_board_pull_in_output_to_roadside
- cvo_driver_log_for_admin
- cvo_roadside_onboard_safety_data_for_admin
- vehicle_profile_information