9.2.7: Manage M&C Archive Data
This process shall process requests for maintenance and construction archive data and provide that data gathered from the roadway, traffic, and other maintenance and construction sources. Archived maintenance and construction data shall include work zone data, automated treatment system data, data about maintenance and construction resource requests and needs, activity schedules and status, and field device status. This process shall receive and respond to requests from the Manage Archived Data process for either a catalog of the data contained within the M&C data stores or for the data itself. Additionally, this process shall be able to produce sample products of the data available. As data is received into this process, quality control metrics shall be assigned. The appropriate meta-data shall be generated and stored along with the data. The process shall run when a request for data is received from an external source, or when fresh data is received. Data from this process shall also be sent to Asset Management to assist in maintaining a current record of transportation assets.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- m_and_c_archive_commands_from_personnel
- m_and_c_archive_status
- m_and_c_archive_status_to_personnel
- auto_treatment_system_status_for_archive
- field_device_status_for_archive
- infrastructure_data_for_archive
- m_and_c_activity_schedule_for_archive
- m_and_c_activity_status_for_archive
- m_and_c_archive_data
- m_and_c_archive_request
- m_and_c_maint_resource_needs_for_archive
- m_and_c_roadway_maint_needs_for_archive
- m_and_c_winter_maint_needs_for_archive
- tam-asset_status_update_for_asset_mgmt
- work_zone_data_for_archive
- m_and_c_field_equip_maint_needs_for_archive