Provide Transit Operations Personnel Interface for Services Generation
This process shall provide the interface through which the transit operations personnel controls the generation of new routes and schedules (transit services). The personnel shall be able to review and update the parameters used by the routes and schedules generation processes and to initiate these processes. This process shall support the requesting and receipt of archive data products from the Manage Archived Data function that will support the transit operation. This process shall also act as the interface through which the Manage Demand facility in the Manage Traffic function can request changes to the current routes and schedules in its efforts to adjust the modal split of travelers' trips in order to make the most efficient use of the road and highway network served by the local ITS functions. The input and output forms shall include those that are suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
This process is associated with the Transit Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- ftrop-initiate_service_updates
- ftrop-planning_parameters
- ftrop-planning_parameters_update_request
- ftrop-transit_display_update_request
- ftrop-transit_services_output_request
- request_transit_services_data_for_output
- transit_services_changes_request
- transit_services_changes_response
- ttrop-parameters
- ttrop-transit_services_output
- transit_services_data_for_output
- update_transit_routes
- update_transit_schedules