Manage Secure Area Surveillance
This process shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in secure areas, including those frequented by travelers (transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board transit vehicles, etc.), and those typically away from travelers (tunnels, bridges, roadway infrastructure, etc.). Surveillance data will also be collected from other emergency centers and the process shall return collected surveillance data (raw and processed) to those centers. In addition to raw video and audio inputs, this process shall also receive data preprocessed in the field, and provide additional processing if directed by processing parameters established by center personnel. The process shall input threat information from field analysis functions and together with its own processing, shall identify potential threats, and verify those threats by correlating collected data. The process shall output identified threats to other processes for output to center personnel and to support further threat analysis. The process shall provide surveillance data to other processes to assist in identification of potential incidents and to support image matching for security purposes. The transit vehicle location data input to the process may be used for a variety of services. It may be used to support emergency notification, or regions can use this flow to model providing a simple AVL service that allows their Transit Police to track vehicle locations in parallel with the Transit Management Center. The process shall accept inputs that provide surveillance equipment control and pass that control to the field. The process shall accept inputs that provide surveillance data processing control, and use the parameters as well as output them as directed to the field for local processing control. The process shall monitor and output equipment status and fault indication.
This process is associated with the Emergency Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- secure_area_surveillance_field_proc_parameters
- secure_area_surveillance_proc_parameters_from_operator
- traveler_surveillance_field_proc_parameters
- vehicle_secure_area_surveillance_field_proc_parameters
- request_images_for_analysis
- field_processed_secure_area_audio
- field_processed_secure_area_images
- field_processed_vehicle_secure_area_audio
- field_processed_vehicle_secure_area_images
- foem-secure_area_surveillance
- image_for_analysis
- incident_surveillance_data
- secure_area_audio
- secure_area_images
- secure_area_surveillance_control
- secure_area_surveillance_control_from_operator
- secure_area_surveillance_data_to_operator
- secure_area_surveillance_status
- secure_area_surveillance_status_to_operator
- secure_area_surveillance_threat_data
- secure_area_surveillance_threat_information_to_operator
- surveillance_threat_data_for_analysis
- toem-secure_area_surveillance
- transit_vehicle_location_for_surveillance_and_security
- traveler_secure_area_audio
- traveler_secure_area_images
- traveler_secure_area_sensor_threat_data
- traveler_secure_area_surveillance_control
- traveler_secure_area_surveillance_status
- traveler_secure_area_surveillance_threat_data
- vehicle_secure_area_audio
- vehicle_secure_area_images
- vehicle_secure_area_surveillance_control
- vehicle_secure_area_surveillance_status
- vehicle_secure_area_surveillance_threat_data