6.2.7: Provide Operator Interface for Data Collection
This process shall provide the interface through which system operators can obtain access to traffic data, traffic video images, transit information, incidents, emergencies, weather information, and other data collected by the Collect Traveler Information Services Data function. This process shall provide the interface through which the operator can input and update the parameters used by the Collect Traveler Information Services Data function. This process shall maintain a store of traveler data collection parameters and provide the interface through which the operator can manipulate data in the store. The data in this store shall be used by other processes to govern traveler data collection (transit, traffic, emergency, etc.) that support traveler services (trip planning, broadcast data, etc.). The process shall provide the operator with the ability to request parameter data output and/or update the data store with new parameter values. The process shall provide an interface through which the operator can review and request update of map data. The operator shall be able to use the process to request digitized map updates from suppliers. The process shall support inputs from the operator in manual or audio form, and shall provide its outputs in audible or visual forms. It shall enable the visual output to be in hardcopy, and/or display.
This process is associated with the Transportation Information Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- emergency_traveler_data_collection_parameters
- misc_trav_info_data_collection_parameters
- multimodal_traveler_data_collection_parameters
- probe_data_collection_parameters
- traffic_traveler_data_collection_parameters
- transit_traveler_data_collection_parameters
- ftico-data_collection_parameters_request
- ftico-data_collection_parameters_update
- ftico-request_data_collection_map_update
- ftico-traveler_data_collection_request
- ttico-data_collection_parameters
- ttico-traveler_data_collected
- emergency_traveler_data_collected_for_personnel
- probe_data_collected_for_personnel
- misc_trav_info_collected_for_personnel
- multimodal_traveler_data_collected_for_personnel
- traffic_traveler_data_collected_for_personnel
- transit_traveler_data_collected_for_personnel